Investigating homicides, leading international teams into scenes of crisis and disaster is not your normal path to global keynote speaker and business consultant – It was this unique path that provided insights into leadership which are so different yet offer relevant reflections and learnings to businesses facing change, growth or challenges of their own.

Peter Baines worked in countries following major crisis including Indonesia, Japan, Thailand and Saudi Arabia. His grounding came from two decades as a forensic investigator that saw him unravel the mysteries and discover the secrets of criminals thought rested solely with them. Prior to finishing his career as a forensic investigator he would spend time working with both Interpol in Lyon, France and the United Nations Office of Drug and Crime advising on Counter Terrorism and capacity building.

But it was the work in Thailand that brought the biggest change. In response to the needs of the children left without a home or parents he would form Hands Across the Water and commence fundraising in Australia to build them a home. Ten years after starting the charity he now spends much of his time helping other charity leaders through The Growth Project and advises business on how they can and indeed should benefit from their engagement with their community partners through corporate social responsibility programs.

If you’d like to speak with Peter to enquire on his services or support his charity Hands Across the Water, you can do at his website